The Common Thread Of Peace

Welcome to the this-day.org site.
On our podcasts we always begin and end with these simple words:
On this day I honour the best in you, and the best in me. I wish you peace.
Can you imagine a time when perhaps millions of people across the world pause for a minute or a few each morning to think of all other people living on the planet with them…hold them in their hearts and blessing them all with the words…”On this day I honour the best in you, and the best in me. I wish you peace”
The idea for This Day came when a few of us were gathered wondering how we could do something to help build conscious communities, and how we could help strengthen the links of support between the thousands and thousands of conscious communities that already exist across the world.
We knew that the peace we all long for so much could only be created by communities of people, not by individuals. We also knew that the communities that will build peace will have at their foundations love, trust and wisdom.
We decided to call our efforts The Wisdom Path Project.
This-day.org is a simple project that emerged from that gathering.
Our goal - To draw together the threads of peace that run through the communities of our world.
Our Noble Purpose - To open the doors of all people’s hearts so that in each and every day they will honour the best in each other and offer Peace to each other.
We would be honoured if you would join the community of such people we are building here.
This Day I honor the best in you and the best in me and I wish you Peace

The idea for This Day came when a few of us were gathered wondering how we could do something to help build conscious communities, and how we could help strengthen the links of support between the thousands and thousands of conscious communities that already exist across the world.
We knew that the peace we all long for so much could only be created by communities of people, not by individuals. We also knew that the communities that will build peace will have at their foundations love, trust and wisdom.
We decided to call our efforts The Wisdom Path Project.
This-day.org is a simple project that emerged from that gathering.
This-day.org is run by Stephen Altair and Ian Haycroft. Here is a bit about us.

“Inside everyone is a great shout of joy waiting to be born"
The Winter Of Listening - David Whyte